Tuesday, December 1, 2020



Creative Mind Management is a series of products and services that have been created by founders Stan Wanglund and Paul James Caiden. The goals of CMM are to provide each individual with an array of tools and services to enhance your own unique goals in the area of mind, body and spirit. In essence, we strive to provide you with services and information to help you reach whatever levels of personal growth you desire. In order to achieve this, we provide an array of action guides, meditation and hypnosis products (and much more) to allow you to explore and then utilize important information related to critical thinking, rational behavior, awareness of thinking, feeling and doing, as well as identifying and addressing many of your spiritual development needs. 

*CMM does not wish to or approve of replacing your primary medical provider or other licensed professional you may be utilizing. We are primarily an educational and consultation entity which will provide you with the tools that are relevant in the 21st century to assist you in more accurate perceptions, improved awareness of feelings influencing your thinking and behavior choices which are beneficial and healthful to you! Once again, stressing ..MIND, BODY and SPIRIT. For more information about CMM, contact Stan or Paul at creativemindmanagement@mail.com


Stan Wanglund 

Stan Wanglund is a retired Psychologist, Clinic Director, Senior Administrator and much more in his 40 plus years of Service to New York State and Human Services. Stan is also a retired adjunct Professor from the State University of New York’s Broome Community College where for over 20 years he taught a variety of live and online courses in Childhood and Adolescent Development, General Psychology and Human Exceptionality. Stan has also been a management consultant and co-founder of Partners in Management Excellence, a noted keynote speaker in The Southern Tier of New York State and has operated his own small practice as a psychotherapist in the past. Stan has been the host of the very successful podcast, “Just Thinking” as well as his initial podcast of “Mind, Body and Spirit”. Stan has appeared on the Neil Hawley podcast and the Caretaker Dave podcast with TED talk expert and bestselling author Dave Nasanney. Stan has a long history of volunteer service and has currently been working with the EAP component of a major State agency, as well as developing a large series of educational videos for professional and paraprofessional staff use. Stan currently is engaged as a perceptual and behavioral consultant and educator, where he devotes most of his time to rational thinking, the critical thinking process and helping others use the principles of Rational Behavior to identify accurate perceptions regarding our thinking, emotions and what behavior choices we are making. Stan’s great love is teaching and education and feels that the greatest advertisement for his skill set really comes from the reviews from his students. These can be found on Rate my Professor .com

Paul James Caiden

Paul is a certified hypnotherapist and spiritual counseling. He has been doing various forms of spiritual counseling since 1995. And has had his own private practice since 1998. He was certified in hypnotherapy in March of 2007 by well-known hypnotist and hypnotherapist, Wayne F. Perkins. Paul has also been an avid practitioner of meditation for many years, and has taught numerous individuals how to relax, and reach a deep meditative state by using a variety of techniques. He is also a certified Angel therapy practitioner, which is a more specialized and more deeply spiritual form of counseling for those who wish to make a deeper connection with their higher power during counseling sessions. It has always been Paul's greatest joy to help others become their best selves, and overcome roadblocks and adversity in their lives.



Do you feel overwhelmed during the holidays? If so, you are not alone. Many people experience added stress, and anxiety during the holiday season. And many others suffer from depression and the holiday blues. If this describes you, then this action guide is essential to helping you get through the difficult season. This guide includes one lecture by perceptual and behavioral consultants Stan Wanglund; where you will be given practical tools to help you start making this holiday season lighter and brighter. Your action guide also includes one audio, hypnosis program buy hypnotherapist and spiritual counselor, Paul James Caiden. This action guide includes everything that you will need to help lift you up out of the holiday blahs. And best of all, you can return to it time and time again and glean new insights for your personal Journey in coping with and overcoming holiday stress and anxiety!

To order your audio action guide; coping with holiday Stress and Anxiety action guide, please email Stan and Paul at: 



PRICE: $25.00

*PLEASE NOTE: Creative Mind Management only receives payment for products through PayPal and transferwise at this time.



Are you a full-time caregiver? Do you sometimes feel alone, depressed or even trapped in your circumstances? This information and action guide will help you get back on your feet and combat the symptoms of caretakers fatigue. This audio program contains one audio lecture by perceptual and behavioral consultant, Stan Wanglund. And one, audio hypnosis session by hypnotherapist and spiritual counselor, Paul James Caiden. With the right tools, and the right information, your world can begin to look a lot clearer.   

To order your, Overcoming Caretaker`s Fatigue package; email Stan and Paul at:



PRICE: $25:00

*PLEASE NOTE: Creative Mind Management only receives payment for products through PayPal and transferwise at this time.


Do you lack confidence? Are you afraid to speak your mind and be yourself around others? Do you feel like you're defeated before you even begin? Lack of self-esteem can affect us in many different ways, causing us to have a low opinion of ourselves and even a negative outlook about our future. But it absolutely is possible to gain more confidence in yourself, and overcome the defeating self dialogue that continually goes on within the mind. You can feel more positive and ambitious about the future. And with this information the action guide from Creative Mind Management, you can soon begin to put the days of low self-esteem behind you!

To receive your informational and action guide on gaining more self-esteem, please email Stan and Paul at:



PRICE: $25.00

*PLEASE NOTE: Creative Mind Management only receives payment for products through PayPal and transferwise at this time.



ABOUT CREATIVE MIND MANAGEMENT: Creative Mind Management is a series of products and services that have been created by founders Stan Wangl...